Google Analytics is a data analysis service on the web offered by Google, which works as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. It is used to track and report website activities, such as:
Google Analytics provides an SDK (Software Development Kit) or Software Development Kit that allows the collection of usage data from the iOS and Android application, known as Google Analytics for mobile applications and can be integrated with Google Ads and identify poor performance pages with techniques like the funnel visualization. Google Analytics also allows you to measure your ROI (Returns Of Investments) or Return on Advertising Investment.
Google Analytics eCommerce reports can track sales activity and performance, show transactions, revenue, and many other numbers and data related to that site, representing an organization actions, capabilities, and quality and therefore help to guide and measure its success.
Analytics and Search Console may appear to be identical, but there are a few key differences between these two Google products:
Additionally, Analytics and Search Console do not treat the information they provide in the same way, so even if you think you're looking at the same report, you might not be getting the exact same information in both places.
In Conclusion, your website is the central axis of your digital presence and the best way to give you a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of all the campaigns you are running to promote your products or services online. Google Analytics can then be considered an indispensable tool to help you track the effectiveness of your digital marketing.
Using this Google tool can often be overwhelming for website owners. At Quint Advertising our Data Analysis specialists are able to configure Google Analytics for your website and then interpret all the valuable and extensive information that can be collected through these processes. In addition, we can give you advice and recommendations for your business to have a greater reach and also to attract and retain your potential customers, thus improving customer conversion rates.
"Google Analytics can then be considered an indispensable tool to help you monitor the effectiveness of your digital marketing".
Google Analytics is more about who is visiting your site, how many visitors you're getting, who are they, how they're getting to your site, how much time they're spending on it, where your visitors are coming from and how they are navigating within the pages of your website).
At Quint Advertising, our Data Analysis specialists are able to configure Google Analytics for your website and then interpret for you all the valuable and extensive information that can be collected through these processes.
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